
Decent Homes are resilient homes says LCCP and Sustainable Homes

Posted on 21/02/13 by admin

SHIFT’S conference on 27th February is all about ‘Saving water and reducing the impacts of flooding,’ and the event will highlight that social housing providers need to prepare to face more flooding and more water shortages in future.

Your social housing in a changing climate‘ produced by the London Climate Change Partnership is an evaluation of the groundbreaking retrofit of two tower blocks in Barking & Dagenham that featured a range of climate change adaptation measures as part of a wider Decent Homes and energy saving retrofitting scheme. Along with cost-benefit details, the report illustrates how adaptation measures can easily be considered and integrated in future retrofit projects. The SHIFT conference will be using the report to help the way forward.

LCCP, Sustainable Homes and the Environment Agency are keen to work with London’s social housing providers to ensure that climate change adaptation measures are rolled out in further retrofits, protecting residents by ensuring that their homes are resilient to extreme weather and the effects of climate change.

CBE, Chair of LCCP said:

“We are encouraging social housing providers to be part of the first stage of roll out of this important work. Much was learned in the planning and delivery of the retrofit of the tower blocks in Barking. We now know much more about the benefits of applying adaptation measures into planned Decent Homes and energy efficiency retrofits, as well as the challenges and costs. As a result, we are confident that the approach offers real rewards to providers, residents and contractors alike. We would like to work with interested parties to build upon the experience and the report’s recommendations.”

, Managing Director of Sustainable Homes said:

“Social landlords should read this report and implement the adaptive measures described. ECO funding and Decent Homes works provides ideal opportunities to implement these crucial works. Providing homes that are safe and secure against the effects of climate change is the duty of all landlords and this is especially true for those who house vulnerable groups. We are holding the 27th February conference in London to draw attention to these issues.”

“We have been working with social landlords and SHIFT to encourage the sector to adapt to future climate impacts” says from the Environment Agency. “We are working to reduce flooding, promote water efficiency and limit impacts of overheating as part of our Climate Ready service.”

Notes to editors

1. The London Climate Change Partnership LCCP is the centre for expertise on climate change adaptation and resilience to extreme weather in London. LCCP is comprised of public, private and community sector organisations that have a role to play in preparing London for extreme weather today and climate change in the future. View further details about LCCP’s partners.

2. ‘Your social housing in a changing climate’ is available to download on LCCP’s website

3. More information on the 27th February event is available from

4. The report found that integrating adaptation features into existing retrofits:

    • provides added value to projects, in some cases at no or little extra cost
    • reduces the risks of overheating to vulnerable residents
    • reduces the payback period to a much more attractive timescale (eg with the water efficiency measures, combination with other works including energy efficiency reduces the payback period from 36 years to 9.8 years,)
    • ensures that Decent Homes and energy retrofits are resilient to our climate and fit for purpose over the long term
    • avoids the risk of maladaptation (eg. identifying the appropriate type of insulation for the building)
    • creates buy-in and increased satisfaction from the residents

5. The retrofit in Barking is unique because it included a range of climate change adaptation measures as part of a wider Decent Homes and energy saving retrofitting scheme. Measures included:

  • Water saving features: replacement low volume toilets and baths, replacement low flow taps, new low flow showers and smart meters.
  • Overheating prevention: external cladding with light colouring to insulate and reflect heat, extraction fans and internal blinds in the windows on South and West aspects.
  • Flood protection: reline existing drainage systems, one way flood valve to prevent ingress of water in case of flood, water boards on ground floor flats and water resistant cladding near ground floors.

6. The Chair of LCCP, , is available for interview by arrangement – please contact, Partnership Manager for the London Climate Change Partnership: ,

7. The Partnership has produced a number of key reports on the impacts of climate change on London and ways to address them. Review LCCP’s publications here.

Further information about this story and the London Climate Change Partnership is available at: or by contacting: ,

Further information on the 27th February is all about ‘Saving water and reducing the impacts of flooding,’ is available at or by contacting

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