
Heat Risk in London


LCCP runs a Heat Risk in London group, which acts as a hub for knowledge exchange between organisations working on the various aspects of planning for heatwaves and responding to longer term overheating risk. Acting on the findings of our Overheating Thresholds, Health and Climate, and Retrofitting projects, the group has the following objectives:


T1  Work with London Resilience to incorporate heat risk on London Community Risk Register in a way consistent with Met Office, NHS and Public Health England thresholds.

T2  Focussing on health, transport and the built environment, convene further discussion among the relevant actors on the research, development and implementation of awareness campaigns and guidance on how organisations and individuals can prepare and respond to hot weather events.

T3  Ascertain what heat thresholds work will be done on a national scale by government and other actors and what elements are better taken forward at a city scale.

T4  Collect and share case studies and learning.


S1 Create scenario narratives to give context to the remainder of the Thresholds work with decision-makers. Use the outputs of Defra’s ECR heat scenario modelling to build this on.

S2 Engage academic partners with expertise in the health aspects of social vulnerability and how they might affect the prioritisation of adaptation actions.

S3 Develop detailed responses to extreme weather and future climate change through scenario planning – working with resilience forum partners.

The Heat Risk in London group currently has representatives from the following organisations:

Greater London Authority, Environment Agency, Transport for London, Zero Carbon Hub, London Resilience, the Met Office, NHS, Public Health England, Defra, Department of Health, Oxford University, UCL, Kings College London, BRE, University of Greenwich, LHC, Arup and London Borough of Islington.

If you are interested in getting involved in the Heat Risk in London group, please .

Our last meeting was on April 13. The notes are here: Heat Risk in London Minutes Spring 2017

For copies of presentations, please contact .



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