Previous Events

Observing London – Resilience, Data and Enterprise

14 November 2013
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA

LCCP held a select breakfast event on 14 November 2013 with leading figures from across London to discuss how we can help the city become a world leader in environmental data innovation and resilience.

Earlier this year the London Climate Change Partnership launched Observing London: Weather data needed for London to thrive. The report, sponsored by the Met Office and Lloyds of London, showed that there is a much larger range of weather data being produced by a great diversity of organisations than previously thought, and that this data is potentially valuable to an even wider range of users.

The event proved to be a dynamic session with insights and ideas about the uses of weather data from sectors across London.

At the end of the meeting there was strong support from the group that the London Climate Data Portal is needed and should be built, and we very much appreciate your backing.

LCCP will be holding a workshop to establish the value chain of building the portal and build up the business case with the support kindly offered by the ODI and Arup.

In the meantime, LCCP and our Members (including the Met Office and GLA) will continue to take this work forward – and that includes following up on funding opportunities and encouraging organisations to share the data for the benefit of London.

For further information about the Observing London project please contact via

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