Climate risks to infrastructure, buildings & health
9 July 2014
On 9 July, Climate UK hosted a series of 7 satellite events around England that featured a live link to the Parliamentary launch of the Adaptation Sub-Committee’s 2014 report.
The locations were:
1. Birmingham
2. Cambridge
3. Exeter
4. Manchester
5. Newcastle
6. Nottingham
7. Wakefield
These free events were well attended by local stakeholders in the public, private and higher education sectors who have responsibilities in the areas covered by the report (infrastructure, business and public health), with more than 80% of those attending saying that they would not have otherwise had access to the launch.
Climate UK’s Mike Peverill commented: “This is an important national event in the adaptation calendar and it’s important for local stakeholders to have an opportunity to be directly engaged. Adapting the UK isn’t just the Government’s job (vital though their role is) it depends on local authorities, NHS Trusts, infrastructure providers, businesses and many others to play a role if we are to manage the impacts of the changing climate on our communities.”
More information is available here.