University of Reading

University of Reading has a number of world leading research institutes and departments advancing understanding of climate and adaptation.

Department of Meteorology, with a research staff of ca 200, is a world-leading centre in weather, climate and earth observation. Its research groups include 12 large groups working on climate modelling and impacts. This includes the National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS), which has a large number of researchers based at Reading actively studying climate and its impact.

Walker Institute integrates University of Reading’s excellence in Climate Research, drawing together experts from a wide range of research groups at the university across a range of academic disciplines.

SustBE: Sustainabililty in the Built Environment brings together expertise in Construction Management, Real Estate and Planning, Climate Change, with Innovative design At the core of SustBE are multi-disciplinary teams addressing issue of sustainability of the built environment.   This includes direct links to the Walker Institute and Centre for Mathematics of Human Behaviour. SustBE incorporates the ‘Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment Centre’ which trains industrial doctoral students (Eng D) to respond the environmental challenge of sustainability and climate change.

School of Real Estate and Planning is the top ranked Real Estate centre in Europe as designated by the Urban Planning institute.

 is Professor at Department of Meteorology and member of Walker Institute and SustBE. Her expertise is in Urban Meteorology and Climate: observation and modelling of surface-atmosphere exchanges; development and evaluation of urban land-surface models that can be used for investigating adaptation strategies; development and controls on the urban boundary layer. Prior to joining University of Reading, she was a Professor at King’s College London, after being Assistant, Associate and Full Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington USA. She is a past President of the International Association of Urban Climate (IAUC) and past Lead Expert for the World Meteorological Organization on Urban and Building Climatology.  Currently she is expert an advisor or sits on the committees for a number of international groups/projects in Portugal (CLICUB), South Korea (WISE), USA (NEON), and WMO (GURME, Megacity Implementation Plan).  She was the author of the LCCP report Observing London: Weather data needed for London to thrive.