The Met Office

The Met Office is the UK’s National Weather Service, and includes the Met Office Hadley Centre which focuses research on understanding and forecasting natural and man-made climate change and their impacts from weeks to hundreds of years ahead.

The Met Office includes the Public Weather Service (PWS), which provides forecasts for the public to help them make informed decisions about their day-to-day activities. The National Severe Weather Warning Service is also a part of the PWS, providing advance notice of weather which could affect public safety. The joint Met Office and Environment Agency Flood Forecasting Centre also provides category-one responders with flood warnings.

Climate change has become an increasingly important issue and Met Office research continues to create an ever clearer picture of how it will affect the planet and our lives. This plays a vital role in providing evidence to support climate predictions which show the planet is now locked into at least 2 °C of warming and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are required to ensure this does not rise further for future generations.

has a background in climate science and science communication. Since 2006, has been working closely with industry to develop climate services to manage weather and climate risk. In 2009 Matt led a team to update projections of the financial impacts of climate change on major perils for the Association of British Insurers with AIR Worldwide.

Subsequently has led a number of flood, hurricane and forecasting related projects for the insurance industry with Lloyd’s, Willis, AXA and Allianz among others. is a spokesperson on natural and man-made climate change, business and weather impacts. He has been a member of the LCCP Steering Committee since 2008.

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