Mayor of London

The Mayor of London plays a key role in running London. He is in charge of the Greater London Authority, London’s city government, and is at the heart of changing the city for the better. His work includes making it easier for people to travel around London, improving the quality of life of Londoners, tackling housing and health inequalities, giving young Londoners a better start in life, championing London at home and abroad and ensuring the city remains a global financial centre.

In October 2011, the Mayor published Managing Risks and Increasing Resilience, the first climate change adaptation strategy for a world city. The strategy identifies that London is already at risk of floods, droughts and heatwaves, and without action, these risks will increase as our climate changes, London’s population grows and the city’s infrastructure ages. The strategy sets out a range of actions for the Mayor and other partners, including the London Climate Change Partnership, to improve the resilience of London today and tomorrow.

The Mayor believes that for London to retain its ‘world city’ status, the city needs to seen as a safe place to do business and invest in. This means that London must be more resilient to climate risks that its economic competitors. The Mayor also believes that London should be seen as the world’s ‘one stop climate shop’, providing the skills, services, products and finances that the world needs to adapt to climate change. Together, these actions will reinforce London’s position on the world stage and attract and secure investment in London.

Alex Nickson

Alex Nickson is the Mayor’s representative on the London Climate Change Partnership. Alex is the Policy and Programmes Manager for Climate Change Adaptation and Water at the Greater London Authority, where he led the development of the Mayor’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and is responsible for implementing the strategy.

Alex is a founder member of the LCCP and is the deputy-chair of the Local Adaptation Advisory Panel. He has also advised the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the C40 Cities, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on adaptation in urban areas.

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