London Councils represents all 32 London boroughs, the City of London, the Metropolitan Police Authority and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. We are committed to fighting for fair resources for London and getting the best possible deal for London’s 33 Councils. We lobby on our members’ behalf, develop policy and do all we can to help boroughs improve the services they offer. We also run a range of services ourselves which are designed to make life better for Londoners.
London Councils is coordinating London local government’s input into the government’s National Adaptation Programme, helping to shape the Programme and ensuring that boroughs’ perspectives and roles are adequately reflected in describing the key adaptation challenges, stakeholder roles, policies and actions. London Councils is a core member of the Local Adaptation Advisory Panel, which enables wider local government engagement with the Programme by providing an opportunity for regular dialogue between local government, its partners and central government.
In addition to our engagement work with central government, LCCP and the GLA, London Councils is also doing work to raise the profile of adaptation issues with London’s councillors to support boroughs’ local leadership role. We have produced a series of written briefings for councillors on topics including: extreme weather threats in London; fuel poverty, increasing resilience to hot weather; and surface water flooding. In addition we ran councillor workshops to highlight adaptation issues.
On flood risk management, London Councils has worked closely with the Environment Agency to support local authorities in meeting their new statutory duties as Lead Local Flood Authorities. This includes working with councillors to develop their involvement in flood risk management within each borough and also supporting the lead members representing London on the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC). London Councils was instrumental in establishing the Drain London partnership alongside GLA and the London boroughs, the Environment Agency, Thames Water and Transport for London. The partnership was set up to enable local authorities in the capital to work together to better understand surface water flood risk and build their capacity to manage their flooding risks.
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