Climate UK launches sector tools and resources for building a resilient environment
8 October 2014
Last week LCCP and Climate South East hosted an afternoon workshop for planners in London. The event was part of a national series, organised by Climate UK, in partnership with Climate Ready.
The event series is launching a new suite of resources that are supporting the crucial role that the local planning process plays in creating a resilient and well-adapting built environment; the launch events were used to gain feedback on how we could further improve the resources.
The new resources cover six principal topics:
1. Statutory drivers for adaptation
2. Making the business case for adaptation
3. Green Infrastructure as an adaptation response
4. How developments and buildings can be adapted
5. Neighbourhood planning
6. Achieving resilience through Planning policy
Climate UK encourages use of these materials to engage colleagues and stakeholders on climate change adaptation issues. You can amend as needed to suit your audience, add your own branding, include local examples, etc.(using the PowerPoint versions) as long as you retain acknowledgement of the sources of the slides.
Climate UK will aim to keep the resources up to date in terms of policy development and will re-issue the slide packs periodically. If you have any feedback or comments please contact them at .