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Climate Prepared: A resource for tourism businesses

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Climate Prepared is an online resource for tourism businesses to increase their resilience to adverse weather. Now hosted by Climate UK, website has a new and simplified registration process, allowing users to get to the information they need more quickly.

After flooding, storms and tidal surges left many tourism businesses struggling to survive this winter, the Government found an additional £2M of funding to support tourism businesses in the areas affected. Visit England administered the funding, and supported a programme of events around the country to help affected businesses get back on their feet and become more resilient to the impacts of adverse weather.

Climate UK’s tools and resources have been incorporated into the training materials provided to these local events, including the Climate Prepared website (developed jointly by Climate South West and Climate South East for small tourism businesses) and the Business Resilience Health Check. The Climate Prepared site, which provides a free resource for tourism businesses, has just been improved with a much simpler registration process and is now hosted by Climate UK.

Climate Prepared Features:

  • Checklist to assess risks and opportunities against key impacts including flooding, storms, drought, heatwave and coastal change
  • Personalised action plan with progress updates and signposting to further resources if needed
  • Top tips for climate-proofing your business
  • Case studies showcasing how the tourism industry is already innovating and adapting.
